Multi Family Office Tech Geek Jeff Cline
Revenue: The income generated from sale of goods or services.
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The direct costs attributable to the production of the goods sold in a company.
Gross Margin: The difference between revenue and cost of goods sold divided by revenue.
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): the sum of all sales and marketing spending divided by the number of new customers in a given time period.
Burn Rate: The rate at which you are spending money.
Churn Rate: The percentage of service subscribers who discontinue their subscriptions within a period of time.
Daily Active Users: The number of users who access your app or web address in a day.
Monthly Active Users (MAU): Number of people who use your platform monthly.
Average Time to First Transaction: How long it takes users to perform their first transaction.
User Sign up: How many users sign up in a certain period of time. Time on Page: The length of time a user spends on your web page.
App Open Rate (AOR): Percentage of sessions generated by app users.
Churn Rate: The percent of users that you lose over a certain period of time.
Retention Rate: How often users return to your app within each quarter.
Total Transactions: The total number of transactions on the platform.
It is also very important to outline why their is a reduction or drop off systemically for members, that is not just because of cycles but bracket.
IE Medicare Insurance would be different than health insurance for families as all typical models apply PLUS mortality is accelerated at this end of the customer cycle…..