Multi Family Office Tech Geek Jeff Cline
Accountable care organization payment consultant and CMS score card tool
medicare provides direction to increase quality of care for consumers across the Medicare population by incentivizing providers, doctors, hospitals to do the things that help provide patients a higher quality of life and reduce overall cost to the Medicare pay or system… With this being said there’s a lot of moving parts and many providers don’t even know what they’re missing.
Big data, machine learning, predictive analytics and a whole host of other geek type words combined with logic and the new rules provide for a ACO scorecard allowing doctors by NPI number to get a glimpse at how CMS sees them… Potentially not only reducing lost revenue because you’re not hitting the benchmarks by potentially increasing your revenue because you’re providing a higher quality of care making the swing potentially 18% in annual
If you were a doctor, provider organization, hospital group you are eligible for a free scorecard by NPI and a review from one of our geek specialists allowing for real data at no charge.
The scorecard is free, and so is the service that could potentially help you provide a much higher quality of care to your Medicare population with little effort other than engaging with our geeks
We completely understand staffing is problematic and that’s why we have resources across the country to help step in allowing for a zero labor solution
it’s a true win win win, allowing the doctor to make more while providing a higher level of care for their patient base and we do all the heavy lifting with no added labor or upfront cost to your organization.
If you’re an investor group supporting Dr. practices and medical clinics use our investor tool to help determine revenue Optimization Opportunities and your potential portfolio
Have a great day. Jeff Cline c)972.800.6670