Multi Family Office Tech Geek Jeff Cline
Out of the thousands of decks we reviewed almost all of them have a Tech scalibility component, marketing assumption, and a marketing metric that if I’m off just buy a little bit can completely change the outcome.
So it’s shocking to me to see how many deals get done with very little pressure testing if any especially in the marketing section when that can so easily be done by a fast start marketing tech stack.
We take known data sets and test them against current trends and operational theses to provide Validation on the picture Sumption’s or on the deck assumptions based on marketing and its ability to scale as well as provide data to help determine the validity of the overall cost structure.
For the price of several (I mean a lot) of cups of expensive coffee most Deals can be validated and under 30 days
Most smart entrepreneurs looking for VC or PE money now no that providing a third-party validated pressure test for scalability is becoming more and more frequent as investors are getting more and more savvy prior to deploying money making the process much smoother for those who have taken the time to prove out the assumption as often as possible prior to the presentation.
So if you’re looking at doing a presentation give us a call and we will help you pull together the dad I needed to provide the comfort private equity in venture-capital groups are looking for and today’s fast paced high-volume deal flow market.

Have a great day. Jeff Cline c)972.800.6670