Multi Family Office Tech Geek Jeff Cline
As a Technology Geek in the Medicare space for over 20 years I’ve never seen such a shift that demands Technology like the ACO Reach program.
Doctors and providers have never had such need for technology, data analytics, machine learning than ever before If they want to not only provide a level of care designed to help their patients, but also impact their overall operating revenue.

ACO Reach Revenue Optimization
Providers today and going into the future need to refine not only their care process but align it with Medicare’s reach program creating a missing data vacuum That has potential to swing your overall Medicare Revenue by 18%
Top 61 ACO Reach triggers
Many doctors, hospital systems, providers use third-party billing to help maximize patient care as well as Create efficient revenue systems, but doubt it will drive decisions and with over 61 different key triggers if you’re not fully aware of all of those triggers and where you stand you potentially could either lose up to 9% or make up to 9% more giving an 18% swing in revenue Optimization… Knowledge is power, but reacting to the data will make the difference.
ACO Reach Toolkit
Give us a call and we can help you determine where are your opportunities and risks are based on past data and new learnings.
With the shift from fee-for-service reimbursements to value-based care, providers are assuming more financial risk than ever. This means you are balancing your ability to provide the best care while ensuring profitable network growth, and managing the complexities of new payment models.
Our healthcare provider analytics help you make more informed decisions around network development/expansion, performance improvement, referrals management, care variation, coordination, and quality. Our access to comprehensive Medicare, Medicaid, and Commercial datasets – linked claims and encounter data for over 270 million longitudinal beneficiaries – powers our healthcare provider analytics and solutions, designed specifically for you.

Have a great day. Jeff Cline c)972.800.6670