Multi Family Office Tech Geek Jeff Cline
Many of my bio tech and Dr. groups are searching for ways to leverage predictive analytics, machine learning and big data to drive programs like ACO Reach with the hope to increase quality patient care overtime along with their bottom line.
Partnering with some of the largest platforms and thought leaders we now have technology designed to help practices increase her quality of care and follow up by leveraging things like telemedicine, wire devices and connected devices, predictive analytics four high utilization patients and more.
We all know if we can just move 2% of our non-compliant patients into compliant not only will that help their overall healthcare, but reduce the burden on Medicare as well as make our practices more profitable because of the ACO rewards.
Because we are customer care and profit centric we know that it’s more profitable to make your practice compliant than it is to try to find and bring new customers dollar for dollar and that’s why we are happy to support the ACO Reach co-op.
Our tech works great with large groups, small groups and if you’re an independent practitioner we can include you in a data set with other independence to help leverage our technology and network.
ACO reach Optimization program set up cost?
ACO Set up cost are zero we operate on a regular basis I’ve recovered and added revenue collected by your practice once we meet our objectives together making it a win-win for all.
Happy to work with you directly just give me a call anytime!
Have a great day. Jeff Cline c)972.800.6670